The Festival at Alderson House took place on Saturday 9th October 2021, with breakfast followed by a demonstration of the ceremony of Advancement.
The breakfast lived up to it’s normal high standard and a big thank you goes to Peter and his team. It was rewarding to see a full Lodge room with 60 attending.
The ceremony was well received by those who attended with complimentary observations from the Festival President V. W. Bro. Gareth Hughes.
Two stalwarts of the team have stood down after this Festival namely W. Bro. Neil Murray, Preceptor and W. Bro. Ian Belsham and we thank them for all their hard work.
They are replaced by W. Bro. Roger Cook and W. Bro. James Freakley.
Our thanks go to all those who came to support the event and of course the Festival President V. Worshipful Brother Gareth Hughes.
The next meeting of the L.O.I. will be held at Knowle Masonic Centre on Tuesday 26.10.2021, 7.54pm for 8pm please come along and join us.
The next Festival will be held at Alderson House on Saturday 5th March 2022, with the usual format of breakfast and the demonstration.