MBF 2027 Festival Stewards Jewel
Brethren the application form for the 2027 Festival Stewardship Jewel can be found on page 2 of the documents section of The Mark Benevolent Fund website. The Jewel is available for a donation of £100.
At last night’s Lodge of Instruction Zoom meeting the question was raised about brethren who wanted to subscribe for a Stewardship Jewel but because of the current situation with Covid would be unable to make a full financial commitment at this time.
What were the available alternatives?
Brethren I have spoken to the Charities Finance Manager at Mark Masons Hall they are unable to deal with Stewardship applications by way of regular donations (They are and will be dealing with Stewardship applications for Jewels up to 2030 and then ongoing Festivals)
She is happy if brethren want to make regular donations to their Lodges and then for them to apply for a Stewardship Jewel supported by a lodge cheque for the Jewel (I would suggest using a general account and not a charity account for this purpose). Multiple application forms and one cheque is acceptable. In respect of Gift Aid, it is up to a brother to make a declaration on the Stewardship Form regarding Gift Aid. IT IS MOST IMPORTANT THAT NO APPLICATION FOR GIFT AID IS MADE WHERE AN APPLICATION HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE or a brother has not paid the equivalent amount in the tax year.
Alternately use the regular giving form for the MCF Relief Chest Scheme. If this path is chosen some important things in addition need to be done. The donation needs to go into the Warwickshire Mark Benevolent Fund Relief Chest MMM2112. The Provincial Grand Charity Steward needs to be informed of the regular giving amount and the start and finish date (Send him a copy of the form) and the intention to use it for a Festival Stewardship Jewel. He also needs to be aware if Gift Aid has been applied for so that the full amount can be transferred to the Mark Benevolent Fund. IT IS MOST IMPORTANT THAT NO APPLICATION FOR GIFT AID IS MADE WHERE AN APPLICATION HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE or a brother has not paid the equivalent amount in the tax year. At the end of the period of donation a Warwickshire 2027 Festival Stewardship Jewel application form needs to be completed and forwarded to the Provincial Grand Charity Steward who will then arrange for the Form and funds to be transferred to the Charities Finance Manager at mark Masons Hall.