Warwickshire RAM Lodge of Instruction Festival

Monday 18th September 2023
6.00pm followed by a festive board at 7.45pm.

Please complete the form below or email James with your requirements.

Warwickshire RAM LOI Festival
Inviting a Guest(s)

Add Brother


Once all fields have been filled in just press “Book me in” button above , you will then need to send payment via bank transfer or cheque.

Bank Transfer preferred

Account Name: Warwickshire Mark Lodge of Instruction
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Number: 67325160
Please use your  surname and event name for the reference


By cheque, please post to Cheques Payable to Warwickshire Mark Lodge of Instruction posted to: James Freakley, 1 Slade Road, Sutton Coldfield, B75 5PA.
Please use your surname and event name for the reference