The Warwickshire 2027 Festival

RW.Bro. Ian Belsham, Deputy Provincial Grand Master & Festival Director

The honour and pleasure of hosting an MBF Festival only comes round once in a generation and our generation of Warwickshire Mark Master Masons will have that great privilege in 2027.

The Mark Benevolent Fund was established in 1868 and not long after, in August 1869, its first festival was held at the Mitre Hotel, Hampton Court.  It was attended by 53 members and their ladies and raised £79: in today’s terms something in excess of £50,000.  From 1879 festivals have been allocated to individual provinces and after several years of fundraising culminate in a weekend of celebration including a dinner at which the results of all those efforts are announced.

Warwickshire last hosted a festival in 1982, £162,000 being raised.  Last year the 151st Festival was held in Sussex and raised £1,351,349, an absolutely fantastic sum helping the Mark Benevolent Fund to continue its work in supporting others.  You can read more on the history and work of the MBF Click here.

Our Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Andrew Armbrister is very clear that targets for fundraising at individual, Lodge or Provincial levels will not be set.  He is conscious that we are currently in Festival within Warwickshire Craft, there are many calls on our charitable giving and that charity is an entirely private matter.  That said it does not diminish our desire for a very successful festival, both financially and socially. 

Though we have a strong tradition of raising money through events the income of the MBF is principally from individual and Lodge contributions.  It is therefore hoped that Lodges and Brethren continue to give generously and where possible establish a regular donation.  The MBF Regular Giving Form is attached. Click here.

Here’s to a wonderful 2027 MBF Festival creating lifelong memories and a sense of pride to be a Warwickshire Mark Master Mason.