Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

Emergency Petition for Support

If you or dependent of a present or past Brother has an urgent need, reach out to your lodge Almoner for guidance.

If you are unable to do so, don’t hesitate to speak with the Provincial Grand Almoner or The Provincial Grand Charity Steward, if the Almoner is unavailable. As a last resort, if the Almoner is unavailable, the Provincial Grand Almoner or The Provincial Grand Charity Steward can provide assistance.

When completing the online form, ensure it is filled out entirely, and it will be sent to The Provincial Grand Almoner for review.

They are here to help you and will guide you through the form while providing additional assistance.

The procedure may seem lengthy, but it is straightforward. Although the procedure may seem lengthy, it is actually quite straightforward.

The Management Committee of the Charity Board of the MBF meets quarterly to review relief petitions submitted by Lodge Almoners.

The Provincial Grand Almoner also has the ability to issue emergency grants for the needs of today in addition to the standard relief process; all petitions remain confidential…
Emergency grants can also be issued by the Provincial Grand Almoner and all requests remain strictly confidential.

The Provincial Grand Almoner is W. Bro. Paul F. Mason.

You may be contacted on: 0121 453 5558 or 07973 235422

Type of support required

get Help

Martin Graham-Dunn, Provincial Grand Senior Warden
Please contact
Martin Graham-Dunn P.A.G.D.A

Prints are available at only ยฃ15 (plus P&P)

Join us

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please kindly complete the form provided below, a Lodge of Mark Master Masons near you will be contacting in turn,ย 

W. Bro. Ian Belsham P.Prov.G.Reg, Prov.G.Sec.

Provincial Grand Secretary, Warwickshire Mark Province.

Mark Join Us

Mark - RAM Lodge of Instruction

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please kindly complete the form provided below, I will contact you,ย 

W.Bro. Roger Cook
Assistant Director of Ceremonies

Enquiry From Mark LOI