Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

Signa Bene RAM No 1501 Celebrate their 100th Meeting!

On Tuesday 18th July 2023, saw the Signa Bene Lodge of Royal Ark Mariner’s celebrate its 100th meeting in fine style at the Town Hall, Alcester, in the presence of our Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Andrew R Armbrister.   

The Lodge was Consecrated on 18th July 1989, so as well as being a sort of Centenary it was also exactly 44 years to the day since the Consecration.  With excellent support from the Provincial Officers there were 30 attendees which made for a super occasion, enjoyed by all.

Not one to rest on its laurels, in the absence of the W. Cdr John Clarke who was returning from Canada that very night, W.Bro. Martyn Hale took the Chair and the evening began with the Elevation of Bro. John Curtis, a member of Bedford Lodge of MMM, with a splendid ceremony as well as welcoming two Joining members!

After Bro. John’s Elevation, the Commander’s Chair was taken by W.Bro. Andrew Mills, the Immediate Past W.Cdr., who then Installed Bro. Michael Littler as the Worshipful Commander and was congratulated on the ceremony. After the Appointment and Investiture of the Officers the two Founders who were still subscribing members of the Lodge, V.W.Bro. Peter Wellings and W.Bro. Barry Trumper shared their memories of the Consecration meeting where the attendance was a staggering 79 brethren including very senior Brethren from Warwickshire and the three adjacent Provinces.

The Festive Board was held at The Arrow Mill where the celebrations continued and a happy atmosphere prevailed.  W.Bro. John Handley had produced a Short History of the Lodge to date and he was thanked for this and organising such a memorable evening. 

View the Flickbook
A copy of the History can be viewed and downloaded here.

Martin Graham-Dunn, Provincial Grand Senior Warden
Please contact
Martin Graham-Dunn P.A.G.D.A

Prints are available at only £15 (plus P&P)

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Please kindly complete the form provided below, a Lodge of Mark Master Masons near you will be contacting in turn, 

W. Bro. Ian Belsham P.Prov.G.Reg, Prov.G.Sec.

Provincial Grand Secretary, Warwickshire Mark Province.

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Mark - RAM Lodge of Instruction

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please kindly complete the form provided below, I will contact you, 

W.Bro. Roger Cook
Assistant Director of Ceremonies

Enquiry From Mark LOI