Monday 9th May 2022

It is the time of year when the grass begins to grow and the leaves start to adorn the trees, the time of year that all Golfers wish that they had put in a little more practice over the winter months, and start losing balls in the rough.

The Annual match against our neighbouring Province, Worcestershire, looms large, and it’s about time we won the trophy back.

This year Warwickshire are hosting the match at a new venue for us, The Robin Hood Golf Club, Olton, Solihull, and will be played on Monday 9th May 2022.

We need Twelve Brethren to form the team, playing a four ball better ball format, official handicaps preferred.

If your clubs are cleaned, shoes polished, and you have a supply of balls, then join the team and have an enjoyable day out playing Mark Golf.

To register your interest and join the team contact, click here

