Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

Grand Lodge Appointments

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire Mark Master Masons congratulates all those appointed, re-appointed, and promoted in Grand Lodge, and in particular those  Brethren  who are members of Lodges in our own Province.

The Most Worshipful Grand Master has been pleased to appoint and re-appoint the following Brethren from Warwickshire Lodges.


R.W.Bro Francis Charles Spencer : Grand Director of Ceremonies
W.Bro Howard Leslie Smith : Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies


W.Bro Robert Nigel Clemson O.St.J. : Past Grand Senior Deacon
W.Bro Martyn Ronald Hale : Past Grand Senior Deacon
W.Bro Andrew Roland Armbrister  : Past Grand Junior Deacon

First Appointments

W.Bro Christopher Robert Denley : Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
W.Bro John David Evans  : Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
W.Bro Joseph William Rainbow : Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.

We all look forward to being able to congratulate them in person when meetings resume in late summer.


Martin Graham-Dunn, Provincial Grand Senior Warden
Please contact
Martin Graham-Dunn P.A.G.D.A

Prints are available at only £15 (plus P&P)

Join us

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please kindly complete the form provided below, a Lodge of Mark Master Masons near you will be contacting in turn, 

W. Bro. James Freakley Prov.G.Sec.

Provincial Grand Secretary, Warwickshire Mark Province.

Mark Join Us

Mark - RAM Lodge of Instruction

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please kindly complete the form provided below, I will contact you, 

W.Bro. Roger Cook
Assistant Director of Ceremonies

Enquiry From Mark LOI