Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

Provincial Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of Warwickshire

PGM R. W. Bro Phil Wills presented a cheque for £1,000 to St Giles Hospice at Lichfield

25th August 2021

The PGM R. W. Bro. Phil Wills presented a cheque for £1,000 to St Giles Hospice at Lichfield who were nominated by Vesey St Christopher Lodge. He was supported by R.W. Bro David Rawlins the Lodge Almoner, V. W. Bro Stephen Wright the chairman of The Warwickshire Mark Benevolent Fund a member of the Lodge and W. Bro David Evans the treasurer of the Warwickshire Mark Benevolent Fund.

They are seen with Jo Moach of the Hospice.

Martin Graham-Dunn, Provincial Grand Senior Warden
Please contact
Martin Graham-Dunn P.A.G.D.A

Prints are available at only £15 (plus P&P)

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Please kindly complete the form provided below, a Lodge of Mark Master Masons near you will be contacting in turn, 

W. Bro. Ian Belsham P.Prov.G.Reg, Prov.G.Sec.

Provincial Grand Secretary, Warwickshire Mark Province.

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Mark - RAM Lodge of Instruction

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please kindly complete the form provided below, I will contact you, 

W.Bro. Roger Cook
Assistant Director of Ceremonies

Enquiry From Mark LOI